Personalised Rituals
As a Shaman and medicine woman who lives my life in flow with nature and the energies of the universe, I have come to understand the enrichment that ritual can bring into your life. Everyone has rituals, whether that be a cuppa with your favourite podcast in the morning, yoga, a bedtime routine or something more unique and personal to you.
How can rituals help??
Well I am sure many of you will have done or at least heard of burning ceremonies, or full moon rituals. You might spend days calling in with intent, be that your hearts desire, protection, manifestation of money or a job. Or it could be a wish to help you let go and release, for example letting go of old feelings for someone, stopping bad habits, cutting ties etc.
Many things can have an effect on how effective your rituals and ceremonies are. Your state of mind, the phase of the moon, the tools you use to complete your ritual and much, much more. And this is where I can help.

What makes my rituals different
For many years I have worked with not just the phases of the moon, but also the Moon Mansions. Each moon mansion has a unique energy suited to different types of ceremony. I have cultivated relationships with my plant allies to help with ritual. I have studied runes, energy, candle magic, oils and crystals, methods of working and the writing of powerful incantations.

What do you get?
When you book a personalised ritual with me, we will have a 10 minute video/phone call, or if you prefer you can fill out a simple form with the details. I will then go away and put together a bespoke ritual for you. You will recieve full notes on the specific date and time to optimise the ceremony, how to prepare, detailed instructions on the ritual including how to open and close sacred space, a personalised incantation, plus associated herbs, oils, crystals, candles and runes (whichever are applicable) and full information on how they are to be used during the ritual to give the best chance of success.
A ritual is not a 100% guarantee of an outcome. Sometimes what you want is not always what you get, and the Universe has other things in mind for you. Then sometimes you get what you want but not in the way you had imagined. It takes a lot of time and my energy to personalise a ritual, so please be patient it can take up to ten days for me to calculate, write and source everything I need . You should recieve your ritual in the post in around 14 days. Completion of your ritual, may take 15 mins or you may have to do it every day for weeks. I have no idea until I begin the working.
Also I will not interfere with anyones FREE WILL, especially in love/ revenge spells and reserve the right to decline my services if I feel it is contrary to my morals or beliefs. Any money paid in this instance will be immediately refunded.
How to book your bespoke Ritual
Fill out the form below, send payment and I will be in contact at the arranged date/time.
All rituals cost £40